Interaction designer at Google

Pixel 3 Camera • UX


Pixel 3 Camera : Wide-Angle Selfies

The Pixel 3, announced on Oct 9th, 2018, has two front-facing cameras. This allows you to take a wide-angle shot, which is most useful for group selfies and photos taken against a large backdrop such as a landscape or monument. I led the UX for this feature and collaborated with our team on the zoom interface for the entire Google Camera app.

Media: The official Google blog, New York Times, Tech Crunch, The Verge, CNET

Wide angle selfie

Pixel 3 Camera : Night Sight

Night sight

Night Sight delivers the ability to take brighter and better-colored photos at night time. Night Sight works by increasing the exposure time of the photo and merging multiple HDR+ shots together to reduce noise and improve image quality. I worked with our Camera team as well as the Google Research team that developed this feature on the UX.

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